

In the beginning, there were Real Programmers. - Eric S. Raymond

  • Source Tree #Mac #Git
    Truly an amazing app for GIT GUI for Mac users. It’s a great GIT client in its own right.

  • GitThub #Windows #Git
    Best GIT GUI application for widows.

  • CodeMaid #VisualStudio
    I like cleaning up the code as daily basis. It works great not only for c# code but also most of the .net languages. It helped me allot to maintain and clean very lager scaled projects. I agree, you don’t need to use the tool very often but when you use it does the job very well. It’s awesome utility to reformat a huge bunch of files.

  • Resharper #VisualStudio #jetbrains
    Do you write elegant code? I have doubt in it ;). R# is a tool that I use and absolutely love it. Give it a try.

  • Postman
    To test your Web Service call, use an amazing HTTP and REST client tool that runs inside Google Chrome.

Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. - Franz Kafka

  • Atom
    Atom is a new editor from GitHub. Can easily Integrate with Git and GitHub. Awesome editor!

  • Brackets
    Bracket is an open source editor from Adobe. Web developers will love this editor. Lots of plugins available to add more features to brackets. Works really well with Git and GitHub.

Personally, I love Brackets more than Atom ;)

  • Chocolatey
    Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. This makes developers life easy to install and start the development on windows.


Research is creating new knowledge. - Neil Armstrong

  • Evernote #Mac #Windows #Note
    If your searching for a tool to note all your works, try this tool. It’s really amazing. This tool will help you capturing all sorts of information.

  • Endnote #Paper #Reference
    Struggling to maintain the research papers / article references? Give it a try - Endnote extremely awesome tool. You can easily maintain all your reference, link also easily edit and update the referencing style.